Visit us


The Library opens its doors to anybody who would like to get to know it. Choose the type of visit that suits you best:

We give training sessions where students learn how to search for information, select it and cite it correctly, directed at class groups of students who are doing their research work. They are one-and-a-half-hour sessions and they take place on Fridays between February and April, depending on your needs.

These sessions can be complemented by another session on basic research or about tools and resources for an engineering project. Teaching of the basic research session is conducted by researchers from the UdG Institute of Catalan Language and Culture (ILCC) for humanistic and social itineraries or by researchers of the Chair of Scientific Culture and Digital Communication (C4D), of the study of Chemistry or of the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) for scientific itinerary. Teaching of tools and resources for an engineering project is conducted by the Talent Attraction Technique of the Patronat de l’Escola Politècnica Superior and is directed to the technological itinerary. These sessions last one hour and a quarter and are held just after the Library session.

In your request (comments section), please clearly indicate the sessions you are requesting:

Session 1: “The library of the University of Girona: sources of information for the research work” (1:30 h.). All the itineraries. Campus Barri Vell y Campus Montilivi.

Session 2a: “Methodological guidance and guidelines for writing BAT research work” (1:15 h.). Humanistic and social itineraries. Campus Barri Vell.

Session 2b: “Methodological guidance and guidelines for writing BAT research work” (1:15 h.). Scientific itinerary. Campus Montilivi.

Session 2c: “Engineering projects. Tools and resources for BAT research work” (1:15 h.). What an engineering project is and how it works in real life. We discover useful tools to do research work: plans, 3D, sketches, oral and written presentations.
Technological itinerary. Campus Montilivi.

Requests will be attended in order of arrival and according to availability.

Fill out this form

Visits for any individual or group that would like to know about the facilities, services, archives and collections. Fill out this form

Visits for organisations, professionals from other libraries, and so on, adapted to your interests and profiles. Fill out this form

Visits for researchers, professionals from other libraries, and so on, who are interested in knowing about the technical processing and contents of the personal libraries and archives of distinguished persons that are deposited at the University of Girona Library. Fill out this form

Si sou membre d’un col·legi amb el qual la Biblioteca hagi signat un conveni de col·laboració, adreceu-vos a la biblioteca amb un document que ho acrediti. Si el vostre col·legi professional no té conveni però considereu interessant que ho estudiem, envieu-nos un correu i ens posarem en contacte amb el col·legi. 

Carta de serveis per a col·legis professionals i altres entitats

Col·legis professionals amb conveni de col·laboració amb la Biblioteca

Col·legi Oficial d’Infermers i Infermeres de Girona

Col·legi d’Aparelladors, Arquitectes Tècnics i Enginyers d’Edificació de Girona

Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya. Demarcació Girona

Col·legi d'Enginyers Tècnics Industrials de Girona

Col·legi Oficial de Metges de Girona

Col·legi Oficial de Psicòlegs de Catalunya-Demarcació Girona