Interlibrary Loan Service. PUC


This free service enables any member of the university community to get physical and electronic documents (articles and book chapters) from the Catalan university libraries and digital resources from international academic and university institutions. To use this service, you just need to log in to the discovery tool Omnia.

The number of documents, loan days and renewals are the same for all users who can use the Interlibrary Loan Service. PUC.

Type of user Documents Loan Days (physical documents) Renewals (physical documents)

Bachelor's degree students

Postgraduate students

Teaching and research staff (PDI)

Administrative and service staff (PAS)

30 (loans, holds and digitization requests at once) 21 6

You can request them from the discovery tool Omnia.

  • It is important that you log in to your library account.

  • If the document is not available at the UdG Library, you can request it through the Interlibrary Loan Service. PUC.

Request PUCOnce you have requested it, you should choose the pick-up library.

When you receive the email reminding you to return the books two days before the end of the loan period, you will be able to renew it from My account.

Yes. But before you do so, check that you do not have any material from the UdG with the loan period expired. You can then go to the library where the document you need is and arrange the loan by showing your UdG card.

The university libraries participating in the PUC are UB, UAB, UPC, UPF, UdG, UdL, URV, UOC, URL, UVIC-UCC, TecnoCampus and Biblioteca de Catalunya.

Irrespective of how you have obtained the material, you can return it to any of the UdG’s libraries or to any library of the university to which the document belongs.

Late returns are sanctioned with suspension from the loan service for one day for each day the loaned material is returned late, and per document.