Purchasing bibliography


The Library acquires and makes available to its users the bibliographic collection tailored to their teaching, research and learning needs.

UdG teaching and research staff (PDl) or administrative and service staff (PAS) can order the purchase of bibliography by placing an order proposal with the corresponding campus library.

The compulsory fields on the order proposal must be filled in, indicating whether these documents are to be incorporated into the general collection, if it is bibliography recommended for students by the PDI, or if they are for research projects or a service.

These purchases will be made throughout the year. However, orders that must be paid for using the calendar year budget cannot be made later than the month of September.

You can track your orders at any time by contacting the library. We will also send an email to the person who placed the order when the documents arrive at the Library.

Any member of the university community can suggest document purchases via the form if they think this would be of interest to the collection.

The Library will consider the suitability of the purchase and check the budget before informing the person making the request of the decision they have come to.

You can ask for a trial period of the databases, journal portals, electronic books, and so on, you might be interested in.

Funding for a new subscription can be obtained in two ways:

  • If it is to be funded by the faculty, department or centre that has suggested it, the Library will purchase the publication and incorporate it into the corresponding database so that it is available to the maximum number of users.
  • If it is to be funded by the Library, then the Library Commission will decide whether to make this purchase, based on the following criteria:
    • Available budget
    • Interest for the maximum number of users
    • Co-funding
    • Scientific criteria related to the structure of the UdG collections

Suggestions for adding or removing publications, changes of format, and so on, are prepared over the summer months and finalised in the autumn for the following calendar year.

We organise the exchange of publications (monographs and periodicals) based on one-off reciprocity or long-term agreements with other institutions (universities, institutions, etc.)